The Glenn Stratton Learning Center is located on the Good Will-Hinckley campus. It offers clinical and educational services to students in grades kindergarten through 12 who experience significant social-emotional and behavioral challenges.
Our program serves students with a variety of disabilities and behavioral issues, including emotional disturbance, specific learning disabilities, autism, and other health impairments and disabilities.
In line with the mission of Good Will-Hinckley, GSLC focuses on education, discipline, industry and recreation—all components of the Roundel—in our daily work.
Overcoming Behavioral Challenges
At GSLC, we believe that all students want to be successful in their home, school and community. Thus, our mission is to work collaboratively, using specialized educational services in guiding students with behavioral issues and backgrounds so they can experience success.
Last year, GSLC served 40 students, and on average, between two and three students return to their home districts each year.

“The staff at GSLC provide my son with a positive, accepting learning environment. They meet him where he is and encourage him to try new things. I think all schools should be about the individual student like at Glenn Stratton Learning Center. I am a very happy mom.”
—Lynette Pendleton
How to Attend GSLC
Students who attend GSLC have been referred through their school district’s special education process. The student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) and clinical treatment plan serve as guiding documents throughout the school year. Students participate in a full academic and recreational day schedule. Additionally, GSLC offers specialized educational services catered to each student.
Maine State Learning Results serve as the framework for academic standards. High school students work toward academic credits and standards in conjunction with their home school’s requirements.
GSLC Offers:
- Integrated clinical services supported by certified Behavioral Health Professionals.
- Daily applied learning and individualized classroom instruction to address learning needs provided by special education teachers and educational technicians.
- A comprehensive behavior management program that incorporates evidenced-based practices, including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Restorative Practices to help students develop positive coping skills
- Partnering with school districts to provide state assessments and curriculum to meet each school’s graduation requirements.
- A licensed mental health facility with participation in Maine Care.
- Licensed speech and language, occupational therapy and mental health providers.
- Certification by the Maine Department of Education as a Special Purpose Private School.
- Weekly opportunities through community service learning trips and on-campus experiences to integrate and practice classroom learning in a real-life setting.
- Access to GWH facilities including the L.C. Bates Museum, campus trails, and greenhouses.
- A focus on parent and agency engagement and collaboration.
At GSLC, our goal is to provide our students with the support, instruction, and skills to enable them to be successful in their home school.
Standards-Based Education
GSLC has fully transitioned to a standards-based grading system to align with state educational standards. Students must demonstrate proficiency in each standard to earn their diploma from their sending district.
Links for further information:
Questions about Standards-Based Grading? Contact Lisa Sandy at
2024-2025 School Calendar
Download the 2024-2025 GSLC School Calendar here, or view below:

Nutrition Program
Please take a look below for the monthly Good Will-Hinckley Cafe breakfast and lunch menus, as well as other nutrition-related information.